Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Sometimes we can just stand on the side, comfortably and watch everything that goes on around us.

But then there are those times that we're called to do something more.   

It might not be easy, and there may be times that you want to just run away. 

But when we get brave...  really brave, we run in.  We do what we were meant to do.  Because really, we were called to live great lives.  We were called to do great things.  And we were called to make a difference.  And none of that can happen by standing on the side.  My favorite verse is John 10:10, where Jesus says, "I have come, that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Some versions use the word, "abundantly" in place of the word "full."  

Everyday, we get to choose how we're going to live.  We stand by and watch, we can do what's easy. Or we can dive in, take risks, do what's hard and choose to live full.  I know the kind of life that I want to live... how about you?

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