Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We are here... Safe and sound. Praise God! After heeding some valuable warning signs as we left the airport, we loaded up and started our drive to the camp.

It is absolutely beautiful at the camp. I can't believe that after all of our praying, planning, and preparation we are finally here.

It's hot, but there is a cool breeze that blows right off of the ocean, and it is absolutely refreshing.

We've been orientated by the missionaries, and I really feel that God is going to do great things in our group this week.

All of the girls are staying together.... There are 21 of us, and we will be nice and cozy in this room, using these fun bunks.

We are getting ready to meet together, so I'd better go for now. Thanks to everyone, for your support and prayers. This is going to be an amazing trip!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Laura!
    Happy that all went well.
    The bunks look like a maze.
