Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So, last night we invited these amazing kids over to our home for a game night. 

We played some mixer games, and a little bit of Cranium.

It was a fantastic opportunity for us to bond, as next Tuesday, we will all (with 5 additional people) be boarding a plane to head out for a missions trip to Puerto Rico.  

Along with that, this week we have been having Vacation Bible School at our church.  I grew up going to VBS.  I loved the games, the stories and the snacks, of course.  I'm not sure what your VBS looks like, but ours looks a bit like this.

These four amazingly talented people have been putting on the skit for our VBS this week, and they have done a phenomenal job.  Their talent and enthusiasm has engaged the kids and they've been sharing such important messages of encouragement and truth within their skits.  Great job everyone!

Besides that, unfortunately we did not get to the beach today.  I had to bring my kids to doctor's appointments right after VBS this morning, and they took a bit longer than I anticipated, so we missed getting together with friends down at this beach.  

And due to the forecasted rain, we will not be meeting here tonight, with these kids.

We'll have to resort to a quiet night at home.  Getting things done, and packed up in anticipation for next week.  Eating the delicious fish that my husband caught this afternoon.  Probably putting the kids to bed a bit early and enjoying a movie night with my best friend.  All in all, not too bad of a night, if you ask me.

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