Sunday, September 11, 2011


So, today we are heading out on a cruise!  I am so incredibly excited.  
We took a cruise last year around this time, but it was just Jeremy and I.  

We sailed out of New York. 

 The cruise was amazing.  We sailed to the Caribbean, and saw so many amazing things.

We rented a scooter and "scooted" all around the Bahamas.   

We also ate the most amazing food on the ship.

It was such a memorable vacation.  And this year we are doing it all over again, only this time we're sailing on a different ship, and taking our whole family.  

I won't have internet access on the ship, but I have scheduled just a few posts that should show up throughout the week.  I am extremely excited to share all about our trip when we get back.  Till then, have a great week!

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