Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm not...

I'm not a garden person.  Don't get me wrong.  I love flowers, and certainly admire people who are passionate about them.  I love looking around at the beautiful landscaping that surrounds us here on Eastern Long Island.  I love talking to people, like my amazing Mother in Law, who is extremely talented, when it comes to gardening.  And I do love the intricate beauty, that is found in so many beautiful flowers and plants.  But, I personally, am not much of a garden person.

However, check out the beautiful flowers that we have surrounding our home.  They're amazing, because I never really do anything about them.  Every year, for about a week or so, they just show up.  And they are spectacular.  So, here's my flowers, and I hope you enjoy them, as much as I do.


  1. Beautiful photography! I am learning how to use my new camera as I hope to become a photographer one day and make it my business. I hopped over from the MckMama blog frog.

  2. Thanks Shari! I started about 4 years ago when my husband bought me my first SLR. It's been an amazing process, and so much fun! Just keep shooting, and you'll do well :) Thanks for the comment!

  3. The first photo is beautiful!

    Found you through Blog Frog.

  4. Thanks Ray... and thanks Blog Frog, lol :)

  5. Laura, I am jealous. I am the worst photographer and I really need to be better to show my finishes more clearly. Please contact me re work I have an idea. Great work!!!! Thanks for sharing

