Friday, June 3, 2011


Tonight, I'm posting one of my all-time favorite pics of our Ellee girl.  I took this photo two years ago, and just love it.  I love the colors, love her expression.  I love that in all reality, it was taken in the middle of a freezing cold March.  I love that at the time, I was just ready for Spring, so I found a Spring outfit, and played pretend.  And I love that sometimes, when you want something enough, you go out there and make it happen.  That freezing cold March, I wanted Spring, and this is what I got.

I'm realizing that in life, there are certain things that I want.  I want to live a full life.  I want to love God the most, and follow His plan for my life.  I want to be a good wife and a good Mom.  I want to be surrounded by people that I love.  When it comes to my photography, I want to be successful... not too successful, but successful enough that I can fit it in with the rest of my life.  I want peace, and contentment with all that I have.  I want to have my cake, and eat it too... not because I'm asking for too much, but mostly just because I love cake. 

I've got some great wants in life... and for the most part, I'm going out there to get them.  
What about you?  Are there things that you want in this life?  And are you willing to do what it takes to get out there and get them?   I'd love to hear your thoughts on this matter.

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