Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Love a Good Church Picnic

I don't know about you, but I love a good church picnic.  I love the camaraderie of getting together to eat and to hang out.  I love the amazing side dish food creations that always show up...  and the friendly guessing of who brought what (for those of you who know me, I'm the pretzel, cheese doodles, bag of apples type of girl).  I love taking time to talk and share and laugh and encourage.  
Yes, I love a good church picnic.  

I love a friendly game of frisbee.

And I love a nice game of catch lacrosse style.  

I love a time of joining together with our church family, 
to share the amazing things that God is doing in our lives.

And I love shared smiles between the best of friends.

I love a great game of softball.  

And I love the EBC Doves... our amazing women's softball team.  

I love watching a great play.

And I love the fact that we have amazing girls in our youth group who were willing to watch the younger kids while their parents all played softball.  This girl is one of them, and our Ellee girl loved hanging out with her at the playground.

 I love other camera enthusiasts.

 And I love seeing people take their game seriously... but not too seriously.

Finally... I love this man.  On Tuesday, we will have been married for 8 amazing years.  God is so amazingly good, and I can't wait to celebrate another year of being married to my best friend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm here because I clicked a link on MckMama's page. :) Nice to see such beautiful pictures and fun commentary!
