Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beach Session

I love a great beach session.  Living on Long Island, we have some of the most beautiful beaches.  Clean, warm sand speckled with shells and the occasional bit of seaweed.  

The beach is the perfect location for a photo session.  And I had the privilege of shooting one last week with this sweet girl.  I shot these fun candids as she hunted for the perfect shells.


Then, as we talked more, a shy smile appeared.

And then we were friends :) 

As I've said before, I love those big, bright-eyed smiles. I also love all of the looks in between.    Because let's be honest, these are what make our kids who they are.  The shy glances, the inevitable giggles... aren't those the faces that we want to remember too?  

And I have to say, I'm even a huge fan of the occasional pouty lip.  There is something so real, and so honest about letting your expressions show your true feelings.  These are the beautiful faces and moments that make us all who we are.

And lastly, a picture of the sweetness of friendship.  Our Ellee has truly enjoyed privilege of being friends with this adorable girl and based on their faces, the feeling is mutual.

Share this post!  If we can get 15 comments from different people in the comment section of this post, I will gift this sweet girl's family a 5x7 of their choice!


  1. Thanks Laura for a wonderful session Even if Stella pouted a little lol You were so patient and everyone needs a session w/you!

  2. You are an amazing photographer Laura!

  3. I love her!
    She is so beautiful.
    She seems to really like you.
    Great job!

  4. Stella Star what a beauty you are! Xoxo

  5. I love every single one of these pictures!
    Stella is just too cute!! Amazing pictures

  6. Stella is beautiful!! Great shots!! The pictures are gorgeous!!

  7. you are a fabulous photographer! I love what you have captured here... too precious! :)

  8. She is so beautiful! Perfect little model and wonderful photography! Perfect pictures for a cover of a magazine for hamptons or montauk!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Stella is gorgeous and perfect for your talent in photography

  10. I love the pouty picture too, she is a cutey. Great pictures!
