Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Yesterday, was absolutely perfect.  

My amazing friend Gayle offered to watch both of our kids so that Jeremy and I could have a day to ourselves.  It should be noted, that sometimes, God sends friends into our lives, that are such a blessing, and so true.  These are the friends that you can trust with your heart.  You can tell them anything, knowing that they won't judge you, but instead give you sound encouragement.  These are the friends that you can laugh and cry with.  These are the friends that love your kids like they love their own.  These are the kind of friends that everyone should have.  My friend Gayle?  She is this kind of friend, and I am so, so thankful for her.  

So, we grabbed the helmets, hopped on the scooter, and rode all the way out to Montauk.  On the way, we stopped here.  Once I watched an episode of Rachel Ray's $40-a-Day, where she travels to different places and eats her meals spending only $40... hence the name.  Anyhow, in this episode, she travelled to "The Hamptons," and ate here.  So, when we saw it, we decided to check it out. 

Though a bit pricey, it was amazing!  We ate outside, under red umbrellas.  

Jeremy ordered the clam chowder, which was possibly the best I've had... and as a clam chowder connoisseur, I've had a lot.  I ordered the Seafood Dip, with delicious bits of lobster and crab.  

After our lunch, we finished our ride our to the infamous Montauk Lighthouse.  Montauk, to my knowledge is known for two things...  the montauk monster and their lighthouse.  Where as we didn't see  any monsters, but we did see the lighthouse.

We also saw the beautiful ocean and lots of fishing boats.  

 Afterwards, we went to check out the town.  It was one of those cute beachy towns.

It did have quite a lot of funny little shops with everything imaginable, include these fun treats.

We walked out to the beach, where many people were out, enjoying the beautiful day.

Before we left, we checked out this store.  Considering the sign, they must have had quite a lot of people actually confuse them with a playground.  Or they've had lots of parents with uncontrolled children running around.  Either way, the sign made me smile.

 Apparently I have a thing about photographing signs.  I thought this one would make a great picture too.

Yes, yesterday was one of those days that you'll want to remember for a long time.  I sat on that scooter, with the man I love the most, hanging on for dear life, but also, just being so incredibly thankful for the amazing life that God has blessed us with.  

1 comment:

  1. Great day and pics! Love Montauk too You got great weather
