Thursday, June 23, 2011

com·mence·ment... a beginning or start

These past few days, I have spent hours on various projects, 
getting ready to celebrate these amazing graduates.  

We have known most of them throughout Jr. and Sr. High School.  
We've watched them change, from those awkward early years to young adults, 
ready to face the world and do great things.

Each and everyone of these graduates has so many gifts and talents.  Whether musically, athletically, intellectually or spiritually, they have all gone above and beyond any set expectations.  

We've seen them weekly at youth group and Sunday School.  Many of them have joined us for our weekly TAG Bible Study too.  They've played countless basketball, softball and football games.  We've taken them on trips, from Michigan to Washington DC.  Some joined us on our last missions trip to Puerto Rico.  They've traveled to Hershey Park, Grace Bible College, Boston and even into New York City to feed the homeless.  They've listened to hours of lessons, encouraging them be be all and do all that they can in this wonderful gift that life really is. 

They are the reason that we do what we do.

As they each celebrate their graduations this month, I'm reminded that commencement, is not the end... it's the beginning.  It's the start of something new, for each of these graduates.  It is our prayer, for each of these students that they are successful, not only by the measured standards of college, or future jobs, 
but in who they are, and what they do, and most of all, in how they best represent the amazing God who loves them, and has faithfully guided them throughout the last four years.  

Congratulations Graduates!  Our love and prayers go with you, wherever you may go!

Also, just wanted to remind everyone that today is the last day for the Artistic Renditions Giveaway.  
Check out the giveaway and leave your comment here!

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