Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Strawberry Picking

"U Pick," are two of the best words that you can see, painted on home made signs, in the middle of June... at least in my opinion... although now that I think of it, "U" isn't really a word... Hmm.

Anyhow, today, we followed those signs, from Montauk Highway, and then left onto Belleview Avenue in Center Moriches.  We came upon a big field filled with the sweetest little strawberries I've tasted!  I was pretty excited, because usually we go up to the North Fork to pick strawberries.  This field was 10 minutes from our home, and only cost $3 per greenish/blueish carton, which I thought was a fair deal.

So we picked... and ate, and picked some more.  It was kind of cloudy, but then the sun broke through making it nice and warm.  And I couldn't tell which was better... the coolness of the strawberries that were hiding under the leaves, or the warmth of the ones toward the top.  Both were pretty amazing.

Ellee had a blast... she absolutely loved strawberry picking.  I may have to come back sometime soon.    For $3, I got an hours worth of entertainment and food for my sweet girl.  Not bad at all!

And finally, the fruits of our labor.  Some of these will be eaten right away.  And some will dedicate their lives to topping Angel Food cake.  Some may even find their way into homemade jam.  
All in all, it was a great day.  
If you're looking for some great local strawberries, you should certainly check this place out!

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering where to go picking! We always do apples in the fall and now that my little one is clear of possible strawberry allergies, I can take her out for a fun trip! I am pretty close to where you went too!
