Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Few Thoughts on Field Day...

I love a good field day.  And our Elementary school puts on a great one!  

Fan favorite?  Definitely the tug of war.  The kids are always pretty much evenly matched, and so you sit there thinking that the game will just last forever.  But it doesn't.  Someone falls down, and shifts the momentum, and then there is a winner.  And interestingly enough, for one match, they let the parents participate.  It was fun to watch, but also pretty scary, as kids were being dragged all over.  Thankfully no one got seriously hurt.

There it is...  and I knew it would come at some point.  He discovered his funny awkward smile.  
As his mom, I think it's pretty cute.

Gotta love a picture with the buddies.  Rockin the cute field day shirts.  Usually we are fans of the field day shirts.  But this year, mom forgot to send in the form, resulting in the "It's nice that everyone has something that's the same, but it's also good to be different" speech.  

Talking obstacle course strategies.

This was C's favorite event by far.  
"The turtles, Mom... you know, the turtles?  They are my favorite thing ever." 
- C describing his love for the hurdles.

And this event was just kind of gross.  
It was a pool filled with marbles and paper mache...  
It, of course, was a huge hit with the kids.

 E was number one fan, and water bottle holder.  

So kudos to another great field day!  After many fun games, where everyone wins, it was back to the classroom for picnic lunches and popsicles.  A perfect day for all.

1 comment:

  1. So many awesome pics. Your kids are cuties. I'm following now and I hope you scrapbook or have some system for your kids to see all of these pics in the future!
