Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Before I had kids, I remember thinking that I probably wouldn't send my kids to preschool.  I mean, in all honesty, I didn't go to preschool, and turned out fine (for the most part :).  However, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to work at a preschool, just up the road.  I absolutely loved it.  I loved the kids, I loved the environment, and I loved the amazing women that I was blessed to work with.  It was here that I learned what preschool was really all about.

Preschool is so important these days.  It's not only about fun and socialization, it's a place where kids are taught the foundations of their education.  It was quite a surprise when my son went off to Kindergarten, that instead of learning the basics of colors, shapes and letters, like I did when I was in Kindergarten, he started out reading and writing.  That first year, we were repeatedly reminded that Kindergarten is now the way that First Grade used to be.    

All that being said, tonight was a very special night for 40 preschoolers.  Tonight was Over the Rainbow Preschool's Graduation.  In life, we love to celebrate accomplishments.  And completing that key year of preschool, right before kindergarten, is an accomplishment to celebrate.  

These four cuties and their classmates celebrated tonight.  Each year, I not only take all of the graduation pictures for Over the Rainbow Preschool, I also put together an end of the year video of fun clips and memories.  This years video was so much fun to make, and then so much fun to show at the graduation.  
This year's graduating class was full of fun-loving, energetic, and just-plain amazing kids.

So congratulations, all you Over the Rainbow Preschool graduates!  We are all so proud of your accomplishments, and look forward to seeing all of the great things that you will do.

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