Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm a runner... I run.

So, this past week or so I've picked up running again.  Yup, I'm a runner.  I run.  
I started last Spring.  My goal was to run a 5K.  I never officially ran a real 5K (and when I say real, I mean those cool races where you get a number pinned on you and a t-shirt proudly proclaiming, "I ran a 5K")...  but I got to the point where I could run a 5K, and that was good enough for me.

Anyhow, I was doing well, until summer hit, and I realized it was horrendous running in the heat and humidity.  So I stopped.  Fall and winter came, and I bought a $75 Craigslist elliptical which I used on and off.  But about a week ago, I dusted off my running shoes, and decided to start running again.  

I'll be honest.  I'm not one of those "pretty" running people.  I get all sweaty, and I feel like I'm going to pass out and die.  And I'm sure that doesn't look pretty to anyone passing by.  But I'm okay with that.  
I grab my iPod shuffle, which plays the same old songs, over and over, because last year I accidentally washed it and now am unable to change the music.  Oh, and I'd like to give a shout out to my Xtreme Energy bracelet.  It has some sort of titanium something that makes negative ions that are supposed to help you with your balance and energy.  It also MAY increase your strength and flexibility, make you smarter and cure your allergies.  Having it the past few weeks, I can't say what, but there is definitely something about it.  I feel like I do have more energy, and just better overall... if nothing else, it really has had an incredible placebo effect on me.

Okay, so back to the running.  I wouldn't say that I love running.   But I would like to get to the point where I at least like it.  I'd like to get in better shape, and I love that overall happy feeling that I get when I exercise.  

And, I get to run to beautiful places, like this one... and just take it all in.

On a side note, I ran out to the dock today, to find this.  Is anyone missing a doughnut?  
Because I found it...  and apparently, so did a few seagulls.

 On my way back, I always run over this.  And without fail, I always have a fleeting thought of what I would happen, if I just fell through it.  Apparently, I would drain to the waterways... which on a hot day like today probably wouldn't be the end of the world.

So there's my story.  Another thing I'll add to my list of summer things that I want to do.  I'm hoping that because I've shared, it will keep me excited and accountable to keep on going...  we'll see :)

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