Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sometimes I play favorites...

Sometimes I play favorites.
These people?  They are my favorites.  I would pick them every time.    

This kid?  By far, my favorite almost second grader.  We are so incredibly proud of him and all that he has accomplished this past year.  He is so stinkin smart, and funny too.  

And then there's this little girl.  She was feeling a little timid today at soccer.  Which is pretty normal, I think.  E played in the Pre-k group for soccer this spring.  Pre-k is such a diverse age.  Some of the kids are confident and ready to go... others, like our girl, tend to cling a little more.  Which brings me to my next favorite, which would be the amazing girl who is holding Ellee's hand.  She is my new favorite.  When Ellee held back, she came, grabbed her by the hand, and they were off.  From the sidelines, I could hear her, encouraging and praising our sweet Ellee.  It made me smile, and say a huge thank you to all of those people who enter into our kids' lives, and help them out along the way.   

Anyhow, besides all that, the rest of my day will be spent trying to figure out a way to celebrate this man, for Father's Day tomorrow.  He's been one for six and a half years.  And if you ask me, he's done just an amazing job at being an amazing Daddy.  

Thanks for stopping in, and hope you all find a way to enjoy this amazing Saturday!

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