Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Bay

This year, we are discovering the amazingness that is, the bay.  

 The bay, is a place, where you can kick back, and relax a bit, while your kids have blast playing in the water.  It's much calmer than the ocean, and the water is the perfect depth for wading around.

One of her all-time favorites is tag with the waves... she must have run back and forth a few dozen times, trying to get away from them.  Outside of a few tumbles, she was the clear winner.

Even Daddy got caught up in the wonder of the bay.  It was such a nice, relaxing evening for him.

And yes...  like everything in life, the bay has it's downsides.  For instance, there is a large amount of seaweed that floats around in the bay.  However, as a big fan of Nori, I personally don't mind it that much... and neither do my kids, who had a blast throwing it around.

Yes, here's to summer time, and the bay.  
I have a feeling we will certainly be enjoying many more family times here.

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