Monday, July 4, 2011


Tonight, we enjoyed our Herr family 4th of July tradition, and headed over to Westhampton to enjoy their fireworks display.  First a disclaimer... Fireworks photographer, I am not.  This image is one that I took a few nights ago at this block party.  Truth is, I wanted to enjoy the night with our family... I wanted to make memories, instead of capture them, so I left the camera home.

I have to say, like most Americans, I love a good 4th of July celebration.  I love listening to patriotic songs (God Bless the USA always brings tears to my eyes), I love the BBQs, and I love fireworks.

This year was perfect.  We drove up to the town, parked and grabbed our chairs.  Our kids are at such a great age (no strollers or extra bags to bring along.)  We walked up just as the first fireworks were going off.  We placed our chairs at the perfect angle behind a crowd of people already settled in on the corner by the Country Club.  Christian sat with Daddy, and Ellee curled up perfectly in my lap.  

And the fireworks?  They were outstanding.  Huge, bursts of color, with powerful booms of energy.  We sat so close that some of the fireworks shrapnel landed on us.  My favorite fireworks of the night were the big white ones that exploded and then crackled down.  And when the three fireworks shot up and then clearly spelled USA, we all cheered and clapped, universally excited to see the name of our great nation.

It was a fantastic night.  Watching fireworks, I always think about how they remind me of the way I want to live my life.  Seems strange, but here's my thought process.  Fireworks are amazing, but short.  Life is also, quite amazing, but also quite short... in the spectrum of eternity that is.  There are also all different kinds of fireworks... and there are different kinds of ways that you can live your life.  Some fireworks are duds.  Some fireworks build up great expectations, but then don't seem to deliver when they reach their height of potential.  And then there are the amazing ones.  The ones that shoot up silently, but then explode into huge, undeniable bursts of color and noise.  They light up the entire night and captivate all who see them.  

And silly as it may seem, when I watch fireworks, I always think that I want to live my life like the great ones... the ones that make a statement.  They are beauty, and inspiration, and they leave an impression on all who see them.  They are lights shining in the darkness.  That is the kind of life that I want to live.  I want to make the most of what God has given me...  I want to reflect His greatness and His beauty.

I'm not sure if that all makes sense, but hopefully it's something that will make you think next time you see a fireworks display.  Happy 4th of July everyone!  


  1. perfectly written Laura! Love your blog

  2. Thanks so much! It's fun getting back into writing a bit, and connecting that with photography :)
