Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Thousand Gifts... and a Giveaway

Awhile back, a very dear friend of mine passed along the book, One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp.  The cover of the book defines it as, "A dare to live fully, right where you are."  I took the challenge, and it has been absolutely life changing.  

What if, instead of living consumed with the daily stresses, the worries and the fears of life, I merely took time, to be thankful?  What if, instead of choosing to dwell on what I don't have and all those things that I think would make me happier, I stopped to dwell on the many, many blessings that I can see throughout my days.  Finally, what if I realized that this was not only a list of things I was thankful for, but truly a list of the many, many ways that God loves me?  

What if I wrote a list of one thousand gifts that I was thankful for?  

If I did... it would probably look a little like this:

And it would include:

19.  Jumping on the bed with Ellee.
24.  Neosporin (really, I'm a big fan... that and a little hydrogen peroxide, and you can fix just about anything)
39.  Ryke's Bakery (best bakery in Michigan)
45.  Getting lost, then getting found
102.  Strawberry Lemon Tea, from a tea house in Boston
116.  Chili's and bad ribs that became good ribs, that became free ribs.
145.  Sweet potato fries
180.  Our yard bunnies... the only other pets that our kids will get for now
218.  Desiring to live big, not small
276.  Ellee telling Christian, "That's not appropriant."  

Just to name a few.  

I'm proud to say that I'm currently on number 279 and counting.  It's been good...  so good, to try to live my life focused on what I'm thankful for.  Focused on blessings.  Focused on those things that make my life what it its.  I know that I will get to one thousand... and then more.  And I'm so excited to see how living fully, living in thanksgiving continues to shape me into the person that I want to be.

If you're looking for a good book, and a good way to live your life you should totally check this out.  
Grab a notebook, and start your list.  Be broad.  Be specific.  Be changed.

Speaking of notebooks, I'm giving one away.  Peggy, of BlacqeeK sent me this amazing hand bound notebook to giveaway to one of my readers.  

This amazing notebook is full of character and would be perfect as a journal, or maybe the perfect place to start your list of one thousand gifts...

Along with the notebook, I will also be giving away 8 of these adorable tags, created by Ashlynn of Sillycyclops.  Ashlynn is an Etsy shop owner and creates amazingly adorable jewelry pieces along with perfectly crafted cards and tags.

These tags can be used to write special notes for just about any occasion.

To enter this giveaway, please check out BlacqeeK and Sillycyclops.  

Leave a comment below, with something that you are thankful for, and then share one of their shop items that you would be "thankful" to have.  

This giveaway will run through midnight on July 28th, after which and I will pick a winner.

This contest is open to the US only.
 I was sent both items from the shop owners with permission to give them away :)


  1. I am thankful for my dear friend Laura Herr

  2. I would be thankful to have the blue butterfly mussles acrylic painting from blacqeek!

  3. I would be thankful to have the Dahlia flower earrings from Sillycyclops :)
    Loved the idea of keeping a journal of thankfulness <3 will start as soon as I win the the book (jk) will start today :)
    ~Donna D~

  4. I am thankful for having a job that I enjoy. I would be thankful to have the paper planes cards in sillycyclops' shop :)

  5. I am thankful for my family. I would be thankful for any of the notebooks or cards. I would love to win those gift tags!

  6. I am thankful for my kids and husband.
    I love the birdcage gift tags.

  7. I am thankful that there are people in this world that make you realize there's always something to be thankful for.
