Friday, July 22, 2011

Summer Days

This summer, we've been having all sorts of fun.  

We've enjoyed reading on air conditioned car rides.

We've been going to the beach, like it's our job... strolling along seaweed strewn sand,
discussing all of those important things of life.  

We've explored sea life.  Christian can catch these salt water hermit crabs like a champion.

Speaking of my amazing son... he's lost four bottom teeth already, but last night, he lost one of his first big teeth.  I'm not sure why, but this one seemed monumental...  like a bigger deal.  My son, is growing up.  He's excitedly inherited my collection of Berenstain Bears Books (which he's been faithfully reading through) and his Dad's old Basketball cards.  He's swimming under water, washing the dishes and faithfully working through the homework his first grade teacher gave him for the summer.  He's six going on twelve and brings such joy to our lives... we are so incredibly thankful for him.

In addition to our family summer fun, we have a variety of youth group events and today's was mini golf.

Let me correct myself, today's event was mini golf in 96 degree weather that felt like 114 degrees.
 I was impressed by the brave group of kids that showed up.

We had a great time, despite the crazy hot temperatures. 

Our right handed daughter Ellee decided to golf lefty, like her big brother.  

Our kids did well through the first few holes, but then the heat got to them.

Daddy tried to cool Ellee down... and it helped, a little.

Amazingly, the heat even got to my husband.  As with all of our family mini golf outings, we chose our teams and challenged each other to who would have the best round.  Jeremy always wins.  He's a golfer, he golfs, and he's pretty good at it.  However, today was different.  It was distractingly hot.  He took more swings than usual and quite a few of his golf balls ended up off the putting green.
At the end of the round, we added up our scores and for the very first time in my life,
I beat my husband in Mini Golf.  My trophy was ice cream, but more than that, I earned some golf pride today.  I'm not sure what all that means, but it was pretty fun.

In spite of the heat, it was a pretty great day.  In all reality, isn't this what summer is all about?   
Making memories, kissing sweaty little noses and finding all sorts of creative ways to cool down.

After mini golf, we chose a quick Target run for cold drinks and air conditioning.  
It was the perfect ending to a memorable day.

Just a reminder, I'm running a giveaway this week here...  check out the post for some thoughts about thankfulness and a chance to win a beautifully hand bound notebook and some sweet gift tags.  

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