Monday, July 18, 2011

Shelter Island

Today was a memorable date day with my amazing husband.  After dropping off the kids, we travelled up this island that we call Long, looking for a good lunch place to eat.  When we saw this patriotic fish, we knew we were in store for something delicious.  

The restaurant was called Brauns.  We shared a delicious bowl of clam chowder and then enjoyed baked clams and coconut shrimp.  The food came out hot and tasted amazing.

Our journey continued to Greenport.  While waiting for the ferry, I discovered that there are still pay phones in existence...  who knew?

This wasn't the ferry... but it was a boat with great character and a creepy name.  

In case you were wondering where to stand...

Round trip tickets for an awesome scooter and two riders came to $12.  Well worth it, if you ask me.

The ferry took us over to Shelter Island, where we spent a good few hours riding around.  Shelter Island was fun.  There were lots of woodsy areas that smelled like Michigan and reminded me of high school when I spent my summers working as a counselor at Center Lake Bible Camp.  

When I saw this sign, I wondered where all the fast children played?

As with any good island trip, we looked for a good ice cream shop.  

We found Whale's Tale, which boasted the perfect combination of ice cream and mini golf.  

It also had a mini arcade, where this "Who dunnit, A Murder Mystery" pin ball machine,

had this disclaimer.  It made me wonder who had actually thought that it was possible to solve murder mysteries with pin ball...

When we checked out the mini golf, we found this guy sitting in all of 6 inches of water.

He's apparently had problems with people thinking that 6 inches is an acceptable depth for swimming, as there were four of these signs posted all around him.

 On our way back to the ferry, we found this cute restaurant.  We'll probably have to stop here on our next trip out to Shelter Island.

I'm so, so thankful for an amazing day with this guy.  It's been crazy busy this summer, and any chance that we can have to get away is such a blessing.


  1. aww laura I love reading your blog especially your dates lol :)

  2. What fun!!! We live in Ohio and I feel inspired to go on a day date with my husband to Kelly's Island very soon!

  3. What great pictures! Glad you had some special moments with your husband.

  4. Thanks everyone! Shelter Island has some great character :) And Date Days, whenever you can get them are so much fun, and good for the marriage :)
