Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'll Be Honest...

I'll be honest...  I miss it.  

As Jeremy works on our Mission Puerto Rico video footage, putting together an amazing presentation video for church tomorrow, a flood of memories is rushing through my mind.

I miss the palm trees, the Caribbean, and the funny little lizards and crabs that were everywhere.

I miss the amazing camp staff that made us feel so welcome.  I miss the Marshalls, and their adorable kids.  I miss the wonderful ladies that cooked all of our meals and would always give me a double portion just because I smiled at them.

I'll be honest, I miss the work.  Something about being dirty and  dripping sweat while painting a roof or using power tools to build something great just made me feel so alive and so full. 

I miss constantly being around 30 other people.  I miss the good conversations, the laughs and the camaraderie that was built by our team over the ten days that we spent together.  

I miss the frappes.  I miss the deliciousness that was perfected with my Strawberry, Pineapple, Peach Frappe.  Seriously, if anyone could get the recipe from that amazing frappe stand, they would make millions here in the States, I'm sure of it. 

On the flip side, I don't miss the mosquitoes, or the humidity that brought the feel of the temperature up near the 100s.  I'm thankful to be home with our amazing kids.  And I'm so incredibly excited to share our trip with our church tomorrow.  I'd better go get dinner going... since I have no sweet ladies here to cook it for me.  All in all, I'm so incredibly thankful for God's work in our lives and for Him letting us be a part of his great work in Puerto Rico.

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