Monday, August 22, 2011

Birthday Party

I love a good birthday party.  I love the activities, the laughter, the excitement of the birthday girl, the anticipation of all of the goodness that flows on a birthday.  

Yesterday, we had the privilege of celebrating a birthday with one of our dearest friends.  
The kids (and parents) had a blast painting sea shells.  

There were smiles all around, as they pondered, mixed and created beautiful works of art.

The birthday girl was giddy with excitement all day.  I just have to say, I love this girl.  
She is so amazing and so full of life and love.  

Everyone loved the birthday, ice-cream cake cones... made with love by her Momma.  

Our girl's already riding in cars with boys.  However, when they are plastic, and powered by a battery, we won't worry about it too much.

I had to catch a sibling shot before the end of the day.  A huge thanks to our dear friends, for letting us share this special day, with their amazing girl!

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