Wednesday, August 31, 2011


She attended her Preschool "Getting to Know You Night" tonight.

She met her teacher and the new friends that she'll have in her class this year.  

She listened to her teacher talk about the school year and all the fun activities that they will do.  She learned about the book fair that will be coming up, and how there will be face painting and other activities.  

She held Mommy's hand as tight as she could at the beginning of the night.  She hid her head away from the crowd, peeking out occasionally to see what was going on.  However, later in the hour, something changed.  She slowly, but surely loosened her grip, till finally she let go and sat down at a table to draw a picture full of multi colored hearts.  Then she wrote her name and also MOM at the top, and just about made her Mommy's heart burst with pure pride.

Later, when Mommy asked her what she thought of her new preschool, she looked up with all seriousness, and said, "It seems like kind of a lot... and they want to paint my forehead." 
(which must have been a result of her teacher talking about the face painting)

By the end of the night though, she was the one who didn't quite want to go.  She was happily playing with toys and enjoying the attention of the many amazing people who work at her preschool.  She was confident, comfortable and happy... all of the things that you want to know that your child is when she starts something new.  

All in all, I am absolutely confident that she will do amazingly this year.
She will learn and grow and make new friends.  She will gain knowledge and confidence.
She will be her amazing self... and she will absolutely make us proud of the wonderful little girl that God has created her to be.


  1. what a sweet beautiful princess...always photographed in perfection by mama :)
    BTW>>> her eyelashes are lovely

  2. So sweet!! I am soo excited for her :) Ellee is just the best ever and is going to have such an amazing time in pre k <3 Growing up...ahhh and exciting. I just love Ellee and you too!!
