Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's All Good...

It was good to be back in Michigan over the weekend.  It was nice to see my family... to spend time with my parents and sisters.  It was fun to see all of my many nieces and nephews.  

It was good to be in church on Sunday, at Sheridan Drive Baptist Church.  I loved seeing so many of the friends that I've grown up with and all of their sweet babies and children .  I also really enjoyed hearing Pastor Rumley preach about the importance of resting in God.  In the evening, the church met out at my older sister's home.  She and her husband live on a beautiful lake.  It was good to share and to fellowship there.

It was extremely good to be able to fly home yesterday.  With Hurricane Irene hitting New York over the weekend, I was pretty sure that I would encounter trouble with my travels.  Fortunately, I was able to catch both of my flights and was even able to take the train half way home.  It was good to have my amazing friend Esther come and pick me up to bring me the rest of the way.

It's so, so good to be home.  It's good to see my husband and to hug my kids.  It was good to go outside today, to clean up our yard from the hurricane.  Overall, I was incredibly thankful, because the damage could have been much much worse.  It's good to catch up and get ready for the exciting things that are happening this fall.  Yes, I'm thankful... because when everything is said and done, it's all good.   

*Today I got an email from my sister who let me know that the one thing that I left behind was my camera's memory card, so I'll have to wait for her to mail it, before I can share some fun pictures that I took when I was home.  

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