Wednesday, September 7, 2011


A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to snap a few shots of this sweet girl when I was home in Michigan.

I grew up playing church league volleyball with her Daddy, who also happens to be my home church's pastor's son.  He was such a great guy then, and it has been such a blessing to see him grow as he leads his sweet family.  Her Mom is also quite amazing too, with serious piano skills and inspiring mothering skills.  It's been a blessing to know them both over the years.  

I took this family picture two years ago when I was visiting my family in Michigan.

Her talented Mom also made this amazing dress for our Ellee girl.  At the time, we had bartered a photography session for the dress, and in the end, it was a fantastic trade.  I personally am a big fan of bartering and am always excited to find ways to exchange blessings and talents with others.

Back to this sweetheart.  As I was editing through these pictures, it made me think of all of the amazing connections that we have in life.  I've been writing a lot about changes, because they seem to be at the front of my mind.  However, within all the changes that happen in life, it's also nice to consider how little connections seem to somehow tie everything together.

All in all, I'm blessed to think that the connections I've made with friends over the years lead to lots of opportunities to meet sweet little babies like this one.    

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