Thursday, September 8, 2011

God is Good

This is my amazing cousin Bethany.  My sisters and I grew up extremely close with her and her sisters.  She is such a beautiful and sweet person, and I have such a special place in my heart for her.  

Last August, when I was home, I had the privilege of shooting this maternity session with her.  
At the time, she was joyfully carrying a sweet baby boy named Tobin.  

During her pregnancy, she and her husband Dave found out that their Tobin had Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder with a fatal diagnosis.  Doctors gave them the option of terminating the pregnancy.  But she and her husband bravely chose to give Tobin life... to carry their sweet baby as long as they were able, and then to release him, safe to the arms of Jesus.    

Bethany chose the name Tobin, because it means, "God is good."  And throughout the heartache and the tears, we were able to see God's goodness in this precious little one's life.

God's goodness came in the testimony that Bethany and Dave were able to have as they offered life to their baby.  God's goodness came in the strength that shone through Bethany as she loved on and prayed over her little one.  God's goodness came in the love and comfort that poured from so many to touch the lives of this amazing family.

On September 8th, 2010 Tobin Kendall was delivered and released, safe and whole to the arms of Jesus.

 Just a few weeks ago, I was blessed to be able to see my sweet cousin again.  And in a beautiful turn of events, she is pregnant... eagerly awaiting the birth of another sweet baby boy named Aidan.  

While we remembered the life of Tobin today, we greatly rejoice in God's continued goodness for this amazing young mom and her beautiful family.