Tuesday, September 6, 2011

End of Summer Session

On Sunday I got to meet this amazing little guy.

His Mommy was in our youth group, eight years ago when we first moved out to Long Island.

Years later, we got to know his amazing grandparents who also happened to help out in the youth group.

The whole family lives in the South now, but took a last minute Labor Day Weekend trip back to Long Island... for the pizza, the pastries, and to visit friends and family.  What a blessing to get to spend a little time with them for a quick session at the beach too!

In the short time that we spent together, it was pretty evident that he was certainly Grandpa's boy.

It was also so precious to see the sweet bond he had with his amazing Mommy.  

Love and prayers go out to this precious family as they head back home.  I absolutely love the spontaneity that drove them to take this trip.  Isn't it so incredible, the friendships and the bonds that we make in life, and even more special, the trips and the times that bring us back together again?   

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