Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!  Our family celebrated this day by spending time with some pretty amazing friends. 

While the kids played, and the moms talked, the dads spent most of the afternoon doing this.

I have to say that I am so amazingly proud of my husband, who reeled in this guy...

And this one...

The second was a pretty impressive feat.  With a small crowd and the help of a friend, a good 15 minute struggle resulted in Jeremy bringing in his first ever sting ray.  

You may want to scroll to the bottom to pause the mix pod player :)


Click Here to view the video on YouTube

All in all, it was a great day.  It's hard to imagine, that summer is really over.  School is starting, the weather is slowly shifting and a new season of life is here.  I'm ready for it... for the most part.  Changes are good.  We could never appreciate what we had, if we didn't have to go through change.  

Hope that you had a great labor day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks like you had a great was fun to see Jeremy reeling in his Big Catch. It is an ugly thing!!
