Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Game

When Jeremy first mentioned Christian playing fall soccer, I was a bit skeptical.  We have such a full schedule already, I couldn't imagine adding another activity to the agenda.  However, we decided that it would be a great opportunity for him, and were able to get him on one of the local teams.  He played today and  it was so much fun.  He scored the first goal, and his team won.  

Even though it makes me nervous, I have to say that Christian does a pretty good job as goalie too.  He blocked several shots and we were so proud of him.

It was a warm day, so hydration was important.

Christian had some pretty great fans too.  Ellee and Daddy did a great job of cheering him on.

All in all, I am so happy that we decided to have Christian play this fall.  His coach is amazing, and his teammates are lots of fun.  We are really looking forward to enjoying many more soccer games this fall.  

1 comment:

  1. I could hear the excitement in his voice in the message he left me about his FIRST goal!! I could tell it was a great moment for him...
