Monday, September 19, 2011


 These kids?  They loved the cruise.  

They loved the Garden Cafe, where they ate lunch everyday.  They walked around the buffets, carefully selecting the delicious morsels that would fill their sweet bellies.  For dessert, they ate fresh crepes with whipped cream and chocolate sauce like champions.

They sat in awe and watched this guy perform amazing Cirque du Soleil-ish feats at one of the cruise shows.  They laughed in delight at his silly antics and were captivated by the talents that were shown throughout the show.  Then afterwards, they posed for a memorable picture with him.

They absolutely adored the Kids Club.  They played games there, hung out with their buddies, did crafts, had snacks and even a pajama party there.  They loved their counselors and it was certainly a highlight of their week.

They also enjoyed exploring the cruise ship.  They particularly loved these stairs, which led up to an amazing restaurant that was open 24 hours a day and that served the most wonderful brownie sundaes.  

They loved their Mom enough to sit by this wall in the Bahamas for a picture.  

They played for what seemed like forever on this beach.  They swam and snorkeled in the warm waters of the Caribbean and then built castles in the sand.

And when we arrived in Speonk, after taking the train home, they found what must certainly be the last pay phone on Long Island, and played with it a bit.  And it was just a touch nostalgic for me, considering this cell phone crazy world that they are growing up in.

Yes, all in all, they had an amazing time on our family cruise.  

Tomorrow, they will both be in school, which will be a first for me.  Christian started 2nd grade before we left (and is loving it, by the way) but tomorrow will be Ellee's first day of Preschool.  I've already bribed her (with her very own, won't have to share, pack of gum ) to be brave and not cry, so we'll see.  I know that she will have an amazing time, I'm just hoping that tomorrow morning, she will know that too.

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