Tuesday, September 20, 2011

There She Goes...

This morning we dropped our Ellee girl off to Preschool.  

With our cruise last week, she actually missed the first official week of Preschool.  
Part of me felt a little bad about it... but most of me realized that there will always be school, and whereas we highly value it, we also value family time.  The family time we had last week was amazing and well worth it too.

 Back to this girl.  She is so incredibly amazing.  She was feeling a bit nervous about starting preschool, but her Daddy and I have been working to build up her confidence these past few days.  We know for fact that she is going to be a super star this year.  Once she gets past her shy nature, she jumps in, ready for the fun and ready to go.

This morning while we took some pictures while we were waiting for Dad to get back from dropping off C.  When Ellee saw Jer, she ran up the road and met him for this cuddle time.  I absolutely just love that my daughter loves her Daddy.  

When we dropped Ellee off to her preschool, she was met with such love by her teacher.  She was feeling a bit shy, but we gave her kisses and exited quickly.  Working at the preschool for a few years, I know for fact that this is the best way to do it.  Lingering, usually just makes the transition a bit more difficult.

I know for certain that she is going to have a great morning.  I'm excited to go and pick her up and to hear about all of her adventures.  Until then, I'll settle in to the new quietness of our home and get a few things done.


  1. Love this Laura she looks so cute and Im sure she will do wonderful

  2. Aw, thanks! I can't believe how fast time flies! She loved it :)
