Friday, October 7, 2011

Yesterday's Tomorrow

So, today was also pretty awesome.  Both kids were in school this morning, so I got some of the lingering chores done that needed to get done.  I probably should have gotten more done, but there are only so many hours in the day... and some are more importantly spent catching up with friends and taking a scooter ride with my husband.  

This evening, Ellee accompanied me on a photo shoot at the park.  Our amazing girl played on this crazy contraption as we were waiting.

And these two were the focus of tonight's session.  I can't wait to share more later about this amazing duo.

Tonight also kicked off the beginning of our Jr. High Youth Group, J. Crew.  Again, meeting together just made me so incredibly excited for this coming year.  We have some of the most amazing students on Long Island, and we are so excited to hang with the every Friday night.  Oh, and the unusually short for the group, but tall for his actual age kid in the middle?  He's going to be seven, a week from today.  And he really, really loves youth group.

Yup.  Judging by the faces of these kids...  it should definitley be another pretty amazing year of Jr. High Youth Group.  

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