Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today was pretty amazing.  I spent my morning with some pretty amazing women who all came out to meet for Mom's Group.  We shared our hearts and ate banana and chocolate chip muffins.  We made a cute craft, but most importantly we started a connection.  I am so excited to see how God uses this group as we continue to meet throughout the year.

Then tonight, we kicked off the opening night for our Senior High Youth Group, Revolution.  

It was so great to see our students again.

We love them so much... and I'm pretty sure that they love us (and our kids) too.

We will have our fun times, but more importantly, I'm excited that we have another year full of opportunities, to love these kids and to point them to Christ.

Here are some pictures of our action groups.

Judging by these pictures,

it's pretty apparent to me

that we have some amazing leaders and students

and we are going to have an amazing year!

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