Friday, May 18, 2012

There She Goes...

It was Kindergarten Orientation today.  So we got up, got ready, and walked right over to our wonderful little elementary school for Ellee's first school orientation experience.

Thankfully, when we got there, we found many of our much loved Over the Rainbow Preschool friends who were also ready to check everything out.

This year, the students went off to explore the classrooms, while the parents stayed in the cafeteria to learn  all about the school.  It was a bit sad, as I had really been looking forward to taking Ellee to see one of the Kindergarten class rooms, just like I did when Christian was going into Kindergarten.  It was good though, to see our girl bravely walk off in the good company of one of her Preschool friends to learn more about the school that she will be attending this fall.  I have to be honest, she's ready.  She's ready to take that next step.  And we are so, so proud of her.  

At the end, all of the students took a ride on the big yellow bus.  Since we live so close to the school, Ellee will be walking and not technically taking the bus.  But it was definitely the symbolism that brought a few tears to my eyes as our sweet girl hopped right on, without a moment's hesitation.

Afterwards, we stopped by to take a few pictures with friends.

It's been a blessing to meet many wonderful moms this year and to build that mom friendship that comes when our girls are all building their friendships.

I am very thankful for the amazing moms that I have met.

And I do hope that our girls will enjoy friendships for many years to come.

All in all, it was a wonderful morning.  

As we walked home, I took a little time to pray for our darling girl and the school that she will attend this fall.  I prayed that she would get a kind teacher and she would make good friends.  I also prayed that she would be a good friend and that she would be sweet to others.  I prayed that she would learn many new things and that she would listen well.  We are certainly looking forward to the fall and everything that it will bring, and it was so special to get a taste of it today at the Kindergarten orientation.

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