Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day Celebration

Today we celebrated Flag Day.

Before the program, Christian had his last classroom party.  

We enjoyed ice cream sundaes, and a special picture presentation made by his sweet teacher.  It was a very emotional morning.

Christian has absolutely loved Second Grade.  He loved his teacher, who made this past year so very special, and fun for all of the students.  And he made some really great friends along the way too.

It was fun coming into his classroom today.  It was fun seeing his desk, which he proudly kept nice and clean (at least for today).  

 It was fun seeing his buddies.

And it was pretty fun seeing Christian's name on these two signs.  Side note, didn't you just love Around the World" when you were in elementary school?  I know that I did.

Yup, we're pretty proud of our Second grader.  

After the party, we went to the gym to enjoy a special Flag Day Celebration.  

Christian's been singing the flag songs for weeks, and it was fun to see all of the kids and the hard work that was put into this day.

It was also fun to see this funny face.

I'll be honest, I've never thought too much about Flag Day.  Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and the Fourth of July are always pretty high up on the list.  But Flag Day always seems to get left behind.  However, thanks to the wonderful second grade teachers at our elementary school, it truly was a memorable and touching event.  

Our principal gave a nice welcome and introduction.  

And then the students honored these Eastport men who have faithfully honored our great nation, serving in a variety of branches of our military.

Each second grade class got up and shared songs and poems, all honoring the American flag.  It was terribly touching to see these beautiful children, celebrating our nation's heritage with pride and joy.  I just have to give a huge, huge thank you to our wonderful elementary for putting so much hard work and time into this wonderful event!

Hope you all enjoyed your Flag Day too!

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