Monday, January 21, 2013

Snow Day

After an incredibly mild winter, we've finally gotten some snow here on Long Island.

The kids were super excited about it and as soon as we got home from our family date day they grabbed hats and gloves and headed out.

They were pretty enchanted by the big fluffy flakes that were gliding softly down from the sky.

It was fun to see them playing so sweetly together.

Playing and posing, because goodness knows Mom had to break out the camera to get a few memorable snow shots.

It was extra fun to watch Ellee, in all of her toothless glory, dancing around and catching snowflakes.

My goodness, we love this girl.

Jer brought out his camera to capture a few priceless memories as well.  I, in turn, captured him, capturing them.

Right before they came inside, they worked together to build the world's tiniest and most loved snowman.

It's funny, because I didn't even know that we were getting snow.  I overheard someone talking about it this morning, when I was at the eye doctor.  I was pretty delighted that we finally got a good snow day. 

Since Jer likes the cool artsy shots, I looked out the window tonight to see him like this.  I really admire his eye for photography, and I'm excited to see what he ended up with.

Happy Snow Day!  Granted, I realize that not everyone got one, but I'm happy to be able to share ours.

And for those wondering, my Dad is still in the hospital, but mostly doing better.  It's been challenging, but God continues to work in His perfect timing and within His perfect plan.  His kidneys, while working, are not yet filtering as much as they need too and his levels need to be a bit better before they will send him back to his side of the state, so that is what we continue to pray about.  I thank you again, for your kind thoughts and prayers for my family!  

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