Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sweet Faces

Today was good.  We're working on a bit of a new normal, a present, yet temporary one.  It's been really nice having Jer home, though I do look forward to the days where he is able to be in less pain and more comfortable.  The pain medications have not worked out well, so we are hoping to figure out a better routine with them.  

This afternoon, I got to meet up with the sweet faces that come each week for Kid's Club.  

This year, we have an early drop off, so some of them come the half hour before we start.  They eat a little snack and today we had a nice time talking and drawing.

When the others arrived and we finished our opening circle time, I shared the story of Nehemiah.  Our theme of the month is perseverance, and it was the perfect story to illustrate our theme.  We had a fun time reenacting this story of Nehemiah's hard work in rebuilding the great wall of Jerusalem.  

After our story, we played a few games.  

And then we enjoyed a snack.  

Snack time is always fun.

Because who isn't happy with a delicious Tate's Chocolate cookie in front of them?

It was so fun having Ellee's sweet friend back with us.  We had quite a few kids out sick during the past month, but this week they rejoined us and we were pretty excited.

Goodness, I love these kids.

It's been a stressful week and a half with everything going on.  But coming to Kids club and seeing these sweet faces always brings me such joy and lifts my spirits.

I'm so thankful for these precious children.

And I love that I get to take time each week to tell them that they are special and loved and that God has great plans for their lives.  It's a pretty awesome thing, in my humble opinion.

I'd better go for now.  Thanks to the Crock Pot, dinner is ready and I will also need to spend time tonight getting ready to teach the lesson tomorrow for Youth Group.  With Jer being less than 100%, it's a way that I can step up and help him out.  I'm thankful for the ways that I can help my amazing husband and am praying that the lesson will go well tomorrow.  I hope you all have a wonderful night!

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