Sunday, May 29, 2011


I'm tired.   I woke up for a quick run this morning.  Got back home, and got everyone ready for church.  Showed up a few minutes late, as the shoes and Bibles always seem to be missing right before we walk out the door.  Enjoyed the service and then taught my Jr. and Sr. High Sunday School Girls class.  Drove to Westhampton to wait in line for 20 minutes at the Beach Bakery.  Got some yummy treats to take to a BBQ that we went to this afternoon.  Enjoyed great conversations and lots of fun with some of our amazing family friends.  Came home, then went to part of the TAG Bible Study.  Got our kids bathed and in bed.  Studied for the College Group lesson.  Then had our College Group till about 10, which is always fun, but let me tell you, by the time it's all done, I'm tired.  

I am so incredibly thankful for the amazing life that I have.  But there are definitely times, when I feel incredibly drained.  I feel these slight moments of panic, because I just don't know how I'm going to fit in everything that needs to be done.  Thankfully, in times like these, I realize that when I am weak, then He is strong. So, I thank God, for another week of life, and busyness done.  And I pray for strength for everything to come... knowing that my God is great, and that He's the one who will provide, absolutely everything that I need.  

Besides that, just wanted to share what I found when I went in to kiss our sweet Ellee girl goodnight.  Turns out she was pretty tired too.

1 comment:

  1. i totally understand this! i have to repeat to myself 'when i am weak, he is strong' so many times throughout the week.

    that picture is just too stinkin' adorable! love it!

    -mary grace
