Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Story of Us

Eight years ago, we were married on a beautiful day in June, surrounded by 300 of our much loved family and friends.  During our wedding ceremony, we sang the song, "Great is Thy Faithfulness," 
a song that has resonated in our lives throughout these past eight years.

We honeymooned to Eastport, Long Island, where Jeremy took a six month Pastoral internship, which resulted in the Youth Pastor position that he still holds to this day.   

We've served at Eastport Bible Church for the past 7 and a half years.  We've been blessed to work with hundreds of students, loving them and pointing them towards Jesus Christ.  

We've travelled with our Youth from Michigan to Boston.  We've attended concerts, camp retreats and conferences.  We've taken two Missions trips, one to Brazil and the other to Puerto Rico (and are planning to return there again this summer).  

In the past eight years, we've been blessed to be able to return home each year to visit our family in Michigan,

and Seattle.

We've watched our kids grow up here... and thanked God daily for their amazing little lives.

Yes, these past eight years have held so much for us.  And I can thankfully say that I am so, so blessed to have been married to this amazing man.  He is my best friend, and the most important person to me in this world.  He is smart, talented, athletic, fun loving and I could not ask for more in a husband.  
As we celebrate eight years today, I look forward to the many, many more amazing years to come.

Years where we will continue to love and support the amazing Youth that we work with...

And many more blessed years of God's continued love and protection over our family.


  1. awww Congratulations on 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for telling your story! I love reading good love stories! Here are prayers for forever together :-) We're on five this year!

  2. Thanks Laura! We all want to live a great story, right? Congrats on 5 years this year... Each one is a celebration, and a testimony :)
