Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Thoughts

Whereas I was never a huge fan of the movie, Peter Pan (something about all those children being lost and fighting pirates just never sat well with me), I did love the part of the movie, where they were all able to fly, simply by thinking, "happy thoughts."  

My happy thoughts for tonight, would include:

-Beautiful summer skies at sunset...  the picture above was taken last year, at the end of one of my sessions.  
-Surviving the past few days of 90 degree weather (with heat indexes in the 100s)
-Steaming and eating the clams that we dug up yesterday
-Taking a nap this afternoon
-Meeting with our college and career group tonight...  we crammed 16 people in our living room, and talked about how God uses pivotal circumstances to grow our faith.

I also want to remind you to check out THIS fun post and giveaway, which will end on Thursday, July 28th at midnight.

Besides all that, hoping you all have a wonderful week!

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