Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Who would have thought you could miss an entire ocean?
I know over the past few weeks, after being away, that I have missed this one.

This evening, the kids and I hopped into the car, and drove over to our favorite beach, which subsequently sits right next to our favorite ocean.  Most of the crowds had gone by that time, and we found a quiet spot to sit and play. 

As I watched them play, I realized subtly, that change is coming.  As I mentioned before, this summer we have gone to the beach, like it's our job.  We've welcomed the relief of the ocean, as a comfort from the heat and humidity that surrounds us each summer.  

Tonight though, was different.  There was a change... a coolness in the air, that gently but persistently whispered the coming of fall.  It surprised me.  Could that little change really have happened over the past 10 days that we were away?

Change is always a bit of a startling thing.  When situations change, relationships change or life just changes as it always seems to, we are stopped in our tracks and faced with the realization that we can either go with it, or try to stop it, but regardless we have to learn the best possible way to deal with it.  Some changes are good, and some not as great, but all of them require adjustments on our part.  Once we get past the initial shock, we do our best to graciously move forward, confident that changes happen for a reason.    

 It's amazing that I gleaned this all from a quiet night on the beach, right?  Actually, my heart has been pretty heavy lately, with a number of changes that are happening all around me.  Many changes have been for the most part good.  We have a large number of our youth group students that are starting their first years of college.  Things are changing for these amazing kids.  Even within this week, so many of them are heading out to settle into a new change in their lives.  Mostly we are incredibly happy for them... but of course, there is certainly a part of our hearts that aches a bit with missing them.

Other changes in my life at this point are much more challenging.  Lately I've found myself questioning these interruptions and trying to work through my feelings regarding a handful of different matters.  All in all though, I'm realizing that in most cases, change is good.  Some things should not stay the same.  And most of all, thankfully, God is able to use changes in our lives, to draw us closer to him and his love for us.  Change causes us to pray more and to trust more.

"As for God, His way is perfect."  Psalm 18:30 has been my comfort and my constant reminder that no matter what changes I face, God has a plan, and his plan is perfect.  

For the most part, I'm ready for change.  I'm ready for fall, and the beginning of another year of our amazing ministry here in New York.  I'm ready for my awesome kids to enjoy the change of another school year.  I'm ready to dive into some exciting changes in new ministries that I feel God leading my heart towards.  I'm personally ready to continue to change, to become more of the person that God has created me to be.  Change is good...  especially when I have confidence that God can work His plan and His goodness into everything that happens.

*After talking to a friend today at the beach, I realized I should put a disclaimer on this post... when I talk about changes, I mostly just mean normal life changes.  To my knowledge, we are not making any changes in our family (as in more babies) and we are not anticipating any job changes :)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you and your family, Laura! Much love for you all!!!
