Thursday, August 25, 2011

Super Sessions and Roadblocks...

Today I shot a super session with this sweet boy and his three siblings.  His amazing Momma, a sweet friend that I met through MOPS, called me in to photograph her beautiful daughter's communion dress, tap and dance outfits, her 4 year old son's dance outfit, sporty pictures of her 2 year old and then this adorable little guy in his christening outfit.  It was certainly a first for me, but everything turned out well, and I got some great shots that I am so excited to share with her soon.

Tomorrow I'm flying out to Michigan for the weekend.  It's a bit of a roadblock, as I didn't expect to be gone so soon after we returned from our missions trip just under a week ago.  I do believe that it will be a good trip though...  I have some family things to take care of, one of them being the opportunity to meet my sweet niece Charity.  She's number six for my amazing older sister, and I'm super excited to see her and my many nieces and nephews.  

My heart will certainly miss this sweet girl and her brother though...  Thankfully they will be in the capable hands of their amazing Daddy.  And hopefully Hurricane Irene won't make too big of a deal here at home while I'm gone.  

As much as I wish it were, life is not always so simple and sweet as the pink cotton candy clouds that I saw floating softly in the sky at sunset last night at the beach.

Thankfully though, I know who holds tomorrow.  And seeing as which my tomorrow will include planes, trains and automobiles, and a good 12 hours of travel, I'm ready to trust Him, not only with my tomorrow, but with all of the days that He gives.

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