Friday, August 26, 2011


This was my window seat view on my flight from JFK to Chicago. It was a new perspective to be looking down on the clouds, as opposed to looking up to them. As much as I know that it is important for me to be in Michigan this weekend, I must admit that I wish I was home with my family, getting ready for whatever Hurricane Irene will bring.

I'll be honest, my fear is that she will bring flight delays for me next Monday, when I attempt to fly home. Sigh.

Moving on, I'm realizing lately, that I need to get a new perspective on certain things that I'm living. So often, I choose only to see the here and now. Life's little issue and worries seem to quickly cloud my vision, blocking out the greater picture of what may be going on.

I need to work towards seeing the bigger picture of life, and having a better perspective. I want to trust more and worry less... And I want to see my life how God sees it. Whole and full, where everything that happens is within His perfect plan.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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