Wednesday, September 28, 2011


A majority of my time and energy this week will be spent getting ready for the new year of ministries that are starting up this fall.  Jeremy and I have been serving at Eastport for the past 8 years.  Our regular fall schedule includes programs for all ages.  

One of the main programs that I head up is the Pioneer Clubs program for kids ages 4 through 2nd grade.  

We sing songs, play games, have a snack and learn about Jesus.  I can't really think of a more fun way to spend your Wednesday afternoon than with this group of amazing kids.

I absolutely love this program.  There is something so incredibly special about this age group.  The kids are to amazing and inquisitive.  They are excited to share and love to know how much they are loved, by their teachers, their friends, and most of all by God.

Next week, we will also start up our Jr. High Youth Group, where we'll get to see these awesome kids.

And we will also be starting our Sr. High Youth Group, where we will meet each week with these amazing kids.  

This year, I will also be leading a Mom's Group which will meet once a month at the church on the first Thursday of every month.  It will be a great time for Mom's to come together, to fellowship, to share and to encourage each other as we journey through the amazing job that is Motherhood.  

In addition to these programs, I will also be a part of teaching Sunday School, College and Career Group, and am hosting a once a month women's Book Study at our home.  Being a part of all of these ministries is overwhelming at times, but I really feel that it is the fullest way that I can live my life right now.

And considering John 10:10...  I'm big fan of living full.

For those of you who are local, if you have any questions about any of these ministries, or about our church, 
please check out:  


  1. Awesome Laura! When is the once a month womens club beginning?

  2. Hey Melissa! It starts next Thursday, October 6th :) Definitely come, it's going to be great~
