Monday, September 26, 2011

Mondays are my Favorite Days

 Now that we are fully into fall, I have to say, Mondays are my favorite days.
With Christian in school, and an amazing friend of mine who invites Ellee over for all-day play dates, Jeremy and I usually go out on Mondays for date days.  On this particular Monday, we hopped on this beautiful ride and headed out to Southampton.

While we were there, we rode back to Coopers Beach.  Apparently, and according to this sign, it's the #1 rated beach in America.  Makes you wonder, who it is that gets to go to all the beaches in America to rate them, right?  

It was a pretty beautiful beach.  

Living on Long Island for 8 years, I can sense that the ocean has slowly seeped it's way into my heart.  I love the smell of salt water, and the soothing sound of the waves as they break along the shore.  

As much as I love the beach though, and as beautiful as Coopers was, do people really pay this amount to park there?

 After the beach, we rode into town where this sign caught my attention, and made me look up the word "aloha" on Wikipedia when I got home.  After reading the definition, I can honestly say, yes.  I do have aloha... do you?

To end our day, I bought this adorable treat, which was as tasty as it looks.

Hope everyone has a great Monday too!

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