Thursday, September 29, 2011

So much to say...

I have so much to say, I thought I'd just put it in a Thursday night list...  so here it is, in no particular order.
  1. Today our Ellee girl wanted to dress herself.  She came down in a too small pajama top and pink leggings with a hole in the knee.  At first I hesitated, but then thought... Why not?
  2. This afternoon, I ate one of the best honey crisp apples of my entire life.  It made me wonder why I even bother eating any other apple that is not a honey crisp, as it's just wasted space in my belly that could have been filled with an apple that was more worthy.
  3. These sentences are curiously close to one another, and for the life of me, I can't figure out how to space them out more.  After this moment, I'm not going to let it bother me any more.
  4. I'm not going to post any pictures today...  not because I didn't have any, because I actually just took a picture of the most delicious chocolate pie you could imagine.  I'm just experimenting to see if my mere words are as entertaining as my usual collection of pictures.
  5. Tonight we had a Youth Group leaders meeting... and it made me so happy to sit around a table with people who have decided in their hearts that Jr. and Sr. High students are important and special.  These people have also decided that they love God so much that they want to take time out of their busy schedules to share this truth with teenagers.  It's a beautiful thing, really.
  6. My house is incredibly clean right now, because I have a friend who loves me enough to come and help me clean it.  I'm not sure about how your friends show their love, but let me tell you...  this was a level of love and friendship that such a huge, huge blessing to me.
  7. Finally, I'm starting a Women's Book Study group that will meet on the third Wednesday of every month.  I sent out a huge Facebook invitation, and have gotten some great feedback already.  I'm so incredibly excited about this new group.  I love relationships, and I love people.  And I also love books.  So this is pretty much the perfect group for me. 

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