Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beautifully Full

Today was beautifully full.  

This morning at church, we celebrated our senior pastor and his wife, Pastor Charley and Jan Young.  Last week, they returned from a three week vacation to South Korea, where they were visiting their son and his family.  While they were gone, an amazing team from our church went over and Extreme Makeover Home Edition-ed their house.  It was amazing to see the love that was poured into this project to honor a family that has been a blessing to so many throughout their years of ministry.

After church, Christian had a soccer game.  He played well, and had some great shots on goal, but unfortunately his team lost.  So we shared the, "You win some, and you lose some," speech and we emphasized that it's most important to play your hardest and have a good attitude.  

Right after his soccer game, we met up with the Paskiewicz family from our church, who invited us to join them for the Hampton Bays Annual Chili/Chowder Contest.  This entire tent, was filled with vendors promoting their delicious entries.

The whole point of the event, from what I understood, was to go around, and sample chills and chowders and at some point pick your favorite one.  Being a long time chowder lover, it was a dream come true.  
My favorite was the corn and mussel chowder that was so good, I took a picture to commemorate me having eaten it.  Outside of the food, we had an amazing time with our friends.  

As we were heading out, we spotted free face painting.  

Surprisingly both of the kids wanted to wait in line to have their faces done.

Ellee picked the princess face painting

And Christian wanted to be the orange Ninja Turtle.  It was a pretty nostalgic choice as I grew up watching them on TV.  For the life of me, I cannot remember who the orange one was... does anyone know?

Afterwards, we stopped by Pastor Charley's to see his beautiful new home.  Once again, we have the most amazing Senior Pastor!  God has truly blessed our church and we are so thankful for him.  

Our final stop was another trip to the Library.  With Christian becoming more and more interested in reading, this is one of our favorite new things to do.  We will head back to church in a bit, and then end the night with our College and Career Group.  Sunday's are busy, but I'm very thankful for the blessings that God always gives us throughout the day.  


  1. Awesome Laura! I want that chowder LOL Lennon loves Mussels

  2. Thanks Gary! I will now be able to sleep tonight, lol :) I thought for sure though, that Michaelangelo was the red one... And Melissa! The chowder was seriously the best I've ever had :)
