Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our Guest

Ellee has a friend who is staying with us for the week.  His name is Mr. Skipper and he belongs to Ellee's preschool teacher, Miss Annie.  Each week, Mr. Skipper gets to go home with one of the preschoolers.  They get to read books with him, and then take him on any fun adventures that they think he would like. 

So today we took Mr. Skipper to one of our all time favorite places, the beach.  Ellee insisted that Mr. Skipper only wanted to ride on her back, so she faithfully carried him that way the entire time.  

She showed him the ocean and they looked for beach glass together.  When I asked her what Mr. Skipper's favorite part of the beach was, she replied, "His favorite part was riding on my back."

After the beach, we took Mr. Skipper to eat at Funchos.  He enjoyed a taco and some nachos.  Afterwards, we took him to our favorite dessert stop.  If you know Westhampton, you know that it has some great dessert locations.  We love the Beach Bakery and on occasion will get ice cream from Ben and Jerry's or Haagen Daz.  But in all honesty, these places are not cheap.  Last time we got ice-cream for four it somehow ended up costing over $20 (even though we all ordered small cones).  Granted, it was good, but I can think of better (or at least more important) ways that I'd rather spend $20.

So our alternative is to go here.  A friend of mine introduced us to this place and her clever way of getting a fun, but inexpensive treat.  Within the doors of this card shop, located at the top of the normal display of regular sized candy bars and gum, there is a small shelf with bins of candy that are priced from 5 to 25 cents. 

Our kids are allowed to pick three pieces of any candy that they like.  There are probably nine, or so bins with treats ranging from Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to the Original Pink Bazooka Bubble Gum.  Their deliberations are long, but in the end, they are happy and excited with what they get.  It did take a few times to explain that on this trip, they were only allowed to pick from the bins, and not the big candy bars located below.  Now they just know, and it's a fun time for all.  

And the best part?  Today, dessert cost me 85 cents.  You can't beat that.

 On our last stop of the day, we visited the library.  Ellee and Mr. Skipper waited patiently for Mom to do a super-quick browse for a few books that she wanted.  

Then it was upstairs to the Children's floor.  Ellee picked out a few books to read with Mr. Skipper. 

 We are looking forward to a few more adventures with Mr. Skipper.  Then, we will share our week in Mr. Skipper's notebook and Ellee will be able to take him back to Miss Annie, who will share their adventures with her preschool class.  If I haven't mentioned before, I absolutely love Ellee's preschool and her amazing teacher.  She is so wonderful, and does such a great job with all of her students.  

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