Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Sister's Family

Last weekend, when I flew home to Michigan, I took the opportunity to do a session with my amazing sister and her awesome family.  

My sister has six children.  Her oldest just turned 8 and her youngest is 3 months.  If you do the math, you realize that she is a pretty amazing Mom.  I absolutely loved visiting her and spending time with all of my nieces and nephews.  It was so great to see the unique dynamics that take place in a large family.  There are always extra hands for helping, and everyone always has someone to play with.  

There are two wonderful little girls amongst the four fun-loving, rambunctious boys.  Whereas I have no doubt that they will have no problem keeping up with their brothers, they certainly bring a level of sweetness to the family.  Both are sweet princesses with smiles that can melt your heart.   

Often times, when I tell friends about my sister, they ask how she does it?  People wonder, does she have a housekeeper?  Or a nanny?  To these I respond, nope.  She is just amazing.  She keeps a beautiful home, her kids are always (for the most part) happy and healthy.  She has an incredibly supportive husband who is always there to lend a hand.  She loves Jesus and depends on the strength and wisdom that He gives.  And most of all, she does it with lots and lots of love.  She's my older sister.  I always grew up looking up to her, and seeing the wonderful job she is doing with her family... I still do.

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