Saturday, October 1, 2011

Oxgoads are Forever...

Five years ago, the Eastport Bible Church Oxgoads made their way into the YFC Flag Football league.
They were a young team, but they were dedicated, they were determined and they were ready to play.

For the next five years, these guys would grow together to become a dominating force.  Their heart and dedication, in combination with their amazing athleticism allowed them to get better and better, and it all ended in an incredibly successful Senior season last year.  Their wins far outweighed the few losses that they had and they finished the league with pride and a strong sense that they accomplished what they set out for five years ago.  

With all of them off to college this year, 
we weren't sure what would become of the Eastport Bible Church Oxgoads...

Till now.  Within past few weeks, a new team of Oxgoads has come together.  

Although a very young team, they definitely have the heart...

They also have the dedication...

And they are ready to prove that they have what it takes to be an amazing team and to carry on the Oxgoad traditions that were set by those who had gone before them.

They are also fun loving.  Which is also a key component in having an amazingly successful team, too.

And I have to say that I'm so incredibly proud of this amazing guy and the dedication that he has to encouraging these teams of young men.  

I am also thankful for Youth for Christ.  They have a commitment to youth and to running programs like this to encourage teens to play hard and love Jesus.  This is going to be another great year of Flag Football, and we are so excited to see how God uses this ministry, and these teams.

Great job today Oxgoads!  Praying for a safe and fun season for you all!

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